SUPER EIGHT, WEST. And Naniwa Danshi Release New Song As KAMIGATA BOYZ Unit

post response: [+343, -63]

[+786, -12]
The subs are already so goofy wwwww

[+660, -37]
This is good! This style fits them the most! It has that Kansai aura to it

[+263, -14]
It's really refreshing huh www

[+255, -18]
It's a relief to see the MV like this. This is Kansai

[+224, -21]
Kazuya Ohashi is so cute

[+179, -11]
It's very Kansai coded. More than trying to force themselves to look cool they did what they wanted to instead, I like it

[+144, -0]
When you see the first teaser image the direction they were going for looks completely different, it's always these guys that do this wwww. When I saw it, it felt right for them to come out like this. Of course they can fully commit to this concept as idols

[+136, -3]
What kinda song is this ww

[+132, -8]
This is a really fresh and funny song. It's definitely a Johnny's song

[+119, -18]
Why is it such an addicting song? It's so energizing 


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