Tomomi Itano Posts TikTok Of Her Dancing In A Bikini, "Her Figure Is Strong Like Always"

post response: [+15, -283]

[+239, -2]
Who is the audience for this?

[+215, -6]
What does her husband think of this...

[+19, -2]

[+157, -9]
She's a mom...

[+149, -4]
Her figure is strong like always...?

[+157, -2]
The editing is yuck

[+91, -4]
Honestly cringe

[+89, -3]
Her face reduction is so extreme. Isn't she worried that her body looks giant because of that?

[+55, -1]
Her body...

[+10, -1]
Itano is 32 years old...


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