Sakura Miyawaki Debuts With Korean-Japanese Girl Group IZ*ONE

Sakura Miyawaki Debuts With Korean-Japanese Girl Group IZ*ONE

(Source: Yahoo Japan)

1. [+1,410, -240] Please turn into an amazing Korean girl

2. [+661, -230] I’m sure Miyawaki will work really hard. A little while ago, I saw a video of her trying to talk in Korean without an interpreter. It’s difficult to understand those characters while holding a conversation

3. [+580, -53] Do these kids (the Japanese girls) know what’s going on between Korea and Japan right now? Even though it may be their job, it seems like there’s a big chance of them receiving backlash and do they understand that they’re most likely gonna be the target of the bashing?

4. [+236, -24] The timing is the worst.

5. [+197, -34] I wonder if her parents don’t feel worried about this

6. [+199, -9] She looks like a Korean now

7. [+176, -47] Poor girls. This timing was bad.

8. [+169, -13] Sakura Miyawaki definitely got work done. Her face from a few years back is obviously way different

9. [+120, -15] That’s great, I certainly won’t be buying it though.

10. [+91, -10] She doesn’t look good with brown hair

11. [+76, -14] This is bad. When they appear on Japanese TV, let’s protest that television station! Let’s prevent them from promoting in Japan. I feel very reluctant about it but we have no choice

12. [+70, -14] Her individuality is gone.

13. [+60, -11] This timing was the worst isn’t it.

14. [+34, -6] I don’t think they should have activities in Japan.


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