TWICE Sana ranks #21 on The 100 Most Beautiful Faces

TWICE Sana ranks #21 on The 100 Most Beautiful Faces
(Source: Girls Channel)

1. [+4536, -56] No way no way no way no way wwwww

2. [+3428, -12] These rankings are always a mystery

3. [+2102, -26] Hello, goodbye.

4. [+2890, -91] Can you not pick someone from a Korean group

5. [+2083, -72] I just realized Twice has Japanese members

6. [+1902, -89] She pretty but why was she picked?

7. [+1557, -26] I wonder if they were paid off to pick her?

8. [+1405, -14] Let me choose

9. [+1137, -267] If we're talking about Twice, I think Tzuyu is pretty
10. [+1066, -25] Wait? She's Japanese?

11. [+1002, -12] There's so many more beautiful Japanese girls though?

12. [+408, -31] I thought TWICE was an Korean group. Why is a Japanese person in there?

13. [+259, -740] What? Why is it not Tzuyu instead?

14. [+819, -10] What's this ranking about

15. [+563, -30] Anyone can make money if you get plastic surgery

16. [+269, -12] Who this

17. [+256, -9] There's not need for rankings like this

18. [+204, -7] That's questionable

19. [+149, -9] Huh?


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