Why Are Japanese Celebs Not On The Same Level As Korean And Chinese Celebs During Overseas Ambassador Events? "They Don't Even Sit In The Front Row"

"Of course, Japanese ambassadors influence is limited to Japan. At collection events and fashion shows that have media coverage from all over the world and there are very few Japanese ambassadors that sit in the front row. There are many Chinese and Korean celebs that are invited to these types of events so I'd like for Japanese people to work hard too...." 
[+95, -637]

(source: Girls Channel)

1. [+3034, -70]
Isn't their talent just too low?

2. [+1698, -51]
Nana Komatsu is a global ambassador for Chanel right

3. [+1685, -197]
Koreans buy their spot with money huh

4. [+1047, -24]
Doesn't matter to me

5. [+732, -45] 
Do we even need to compete with China and Korea?

6. [+567, -15]
Ayumi Nakajo was invited to a Chanel show. She's so cute
7. [+503, -212]
Chinese and Korean celebrities feel so luxurious. It's sad that Japanese celebs are losing like this

8. [+475, -17]
Are they trying to say Japan is at a lower level than Korea?

9. [+421, -37] 
The picture they use feel malicious. They could've gotten some better pictures right

10. [+209, -9]
They're east asian people too but it just feels different

11. [+206, -15]
Isn't this the front row?
12. [+164, -684]
Chinese and Korean actors are at such a high level huh
13. [+110, -46]
Korean celebs just have a lot of plastic surgery anyways


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